Tuesday, May 6, 2014

And 5 Years Later...

I was laying in bed waiting for baby to fall asleep, when I asked myself, "why don't I write on my blog anymore?"

I gave myself three reasons:

1) It is hard for me to share what I write. Anne Frank and Sis. Morgan taught me that breathtaking, meaningful, life-changing writing is honest writing. So I aspire to be completely honest when I write, and that makes me vulnerable.

2) I am afraid no one will read my blog and I'll feel silly.

3) My posts will be long and boring so people who do read my blog stop halfway through and don't read it next time.

I then concluded that caring too much about what people think should not be the reason I don't blog. So here I am.

Reading my old posts that I had completely forgotten existed was educational and confidence-building. I wrote/write (hopefully) better than I thought, and realize that I still struggle with the same problems: relaxing and believing that other people are interested in my life.

I am now realizing that I don't have anything specific to blog about, other than the announcement that I have decided to publish my thoughts on the internet once more. I would also like to thank Alisa and Grace for writing enjoyable blogs that encouraged me.

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