Sunday, November 16, 2008

I know, I know...

So I don't want to cause anyone a heart attack, but I'm actually posting on my blog! Nevermind that I should have been in bed twenty minutes ago. What else is a blog for, if not to be a productive excuse for using time on things besides sleep?You can thank Ruthie for this post though. She made me want to again. And it also helped that I actually finally remembered how to post! Not that you have any reason to believe me, but I actually did try to post a couple times before, but could not for the life of me figure out how, and so I would distract myself with other people's blogs until I ran out of time or attention. Tonight I discovered that you must first sign in. So if there are any other poor lost bloggers out there, who would post if they knew how, there ya go ;) At the expense of my pride, I just answered the question you were too afraid to ask.I think part of the reason it is hard for me to blog is the same reason I get nervous whenever I organize gatherings. A certain flavor of fear settles in my stomach, saying that no one will show up to the event, or even worse, a few will show up and expect a slamming party when really only 2 other people came becasue the hostess just isn't cool enough. As I write, I wonder if I am just writing to myself, or if someone else will really spend the time and energy reading about a young adults struggle with self-confidence. :DI'm not trying to put myself down, just exploring the blogging part of my psyche.Whew. I don't know about you, but that was therapeutic for me. Maybe next time I'll even write about more people than just myself. But for now, I'll go to bed so I can wake up excited for school and work tomorrow...


Tiffany said...

Yeah for new posts!

MAMA said...

What an interesting blogging psyche you have! How could anything you write ever be boring? Please keep writing. P.S. Thanks, Ruth.

Ruth said...

You are HILARIOUS!! I guess your post explained why we only ever had "slamming parties" with ourselves (meaning you and me). :) Did you ever read mom's comment about not getting any sleep at her own house on Aunt Eleanor's blog? :) You have been tagged btw, with a "7 random things about myself" on Aunt Eleanor's blog. You should do it! (not that I don't love reading about your blogging psyche)

Audrey/Cooper's grandma said...

Hey I'd love to be at your slamming party. You are always the life of the party anyways. I have always felt that when Miriam's there the party can start!! Yeah!!! By the way, keep blogging! It's fun to read your stuff.